
Bring It On

After waffling on the sidelines for a week or so regarding the prosecutor purge scandal, President Bush has waded in with both fists. When Congressional Democrats said they would ask Karl Rove, Harriet Miers and other White House officials to testify, Bush responded with defiance, saying any testimony could take place only behind closed doors, not under oath and with no transcript. He practically dared Congress to subpoena them, saying he would fight any such move.

Fine by me. Bush has broken the law and committed outrages against democratic governance so many times that we need a good, bruising Constitutional showdown.

What is causing his sudden go-screw-yourself attitude? Is it simple antipathy towards anything that infringes on his vision of himself as Maximum Leader of the nation? Or is he trying to hide real crimes in his Administration, even more than what we already know?

I suspect the latter. Something must have come up in the morass of documents studied by White House counsel Fred Fielding that raised a very large red flag, something that has to be kept secret at all costs. What could it be? Written instructions to go after prominent Democrats? Explicit orders to drop cases against prominent Republicans?

We will find out.

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