
Vote For Me or This Guy Will Kick Your Butt

Out of the many endorsements gathered in this election cycle, one of the strangest certainly must be the one Mike Huckabee garnered from Chuck Norris. You know, the guy who kicked butt for eight years on TV in Walker: Texas Ranger.

That Chuck Norris.

Anyway, Huckabee and Norris have teamed up to present what must surely be one of the worst campaign ads of all time. Not "worst" as in blatantly dishonest, racist or xenophobic - we've got plenty of those, from George Bush the Elder's infamous Willie Horton ad to Tom Tancredo's vote-for-me-or-brown-people-will-kill-you ad - but "worst" as in laughably bad.

The script is pretty funny:
  • "My plan to secure the border? Two words: Chuck Norris."
  • "When Chuck Norris does a push-up, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down."
  • "There's no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard, only another fist."
And so on.

So let me get this straight - Huckabee actually thinks the world is an action movie? Does he really think all he has to do is shoot up a room full of people and we win, with no one getting hurt except for the bad guys, with all the helpless civilians magically unscathed? Cue the end credits? Has he mistaken the real world for a late-night showing of Norris' 1985 flick Invasion USA, where he single-handedly defends America from Commies who - I swear I'm not making this up - blow up a county fair in Florida?

Thanks for lightening the mood, Mike. Too bad you actually seem to believe this nonsense.

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