
Reading Is Overrated Anyway

Anyone who's been to school (or has had kids in school) since the 1970s remembers Reading Is Fundamental, the program that brings books to kids who can't afford to buy them. It has proved enormously successful in getting books into the hands of children all over the country, setting them up for a lifetime love of reading.

Since it's been such a hit, President Bush naturally put RIF's federal funding on the chopping block. Yes, the man who is notoriously averse to reading anything more complicated than a gum wrapper has decided that reading isn't so fundamental after all. His proposed FY2009 budget entirely eliminates funding for the Inexpensive Book Distribution program.

The program costs $24.6 million and gives away about 16 million books per year. That means millions of children who otherwise wouldn't be reading at all get a chance for a book of their own.

To put it in perspective, the Iraq War is currently costing American taxpayers about $275 million a day. Therefore, $24.6 million pays for about two hours of fighting the Iraq War.

Getting millions of kids reading vs. two hours of war.

Nice to know the Decider has his priorities straight.

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