

It has now been 108 days since Barack Obama became president, and in that short time the Republican Party and their media mouthpieces have gone nuts trying to paint him as a secret Commie Muslim who is a milquetoast abroad and a tyrant at home. You know, the usual tactics of a political movement which has absolutely nothing to offer the American people apart from fear and loathing.

But this time, they may just have outdone themselves, descending from standard political hackery to all-out batshit craziness.

The other day, Omaba and Vice President Biden stopped in at a Virginia burger joint. Nothing fancy about it, just lunch combined with a standard "man of the people" photo op. So what happened? Well, let's allow Fox News' Sean Hannity to explain:

Yes, because Obama likes his burger with some spicy bite, he is somehow an un-American crank worthy of sniggering derision. Real Americans apparently like ketchup, and you're clearly a Communist/terrorist/etc if you happen to want something else. (Better not tell Hannity that some of us actually like - gasp! - green chile on our burgers!)

This is so stupid there are hardly words for it. I like to believe that even Hannity doesn't buy into the crap he shovels out, but stranger things have happened. Maybe he really has hypnotized himself into thinking that you can judge whether someone is a real American depending on which lunchtime condiment they prefer.

Or perhaps he's smirking because he just sold his audience another whopper.

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