
Merry Christmas, Dammit! Part II

Once upon a time on an episode of The Simpsons, Bart watched a Christmas special hosted by the Jewish Krusty the Clown and commented, "Christmas is a time when people of all religions come together to worship Jesus Christ."

Fox News seems not to have realized that this was a joke. This screenshot, courtesy of Crooks & Liars, is from the 12/3/05 edition of the Fox show "Bulls & Bears."

It appears that Fox, long recognized as the all-but-official propaganda arm of the Republican Party, is not content with merely letting John Gibson hawk his book The War on Christmas on his pundit show ad nauseam, nor with letting Bill O'Reilly endlessly bloviate on his own show about this manufactured issue.

Nope, Fox is now weaving "war on Christmas" rhetoric into their other shows as well, creating what certainly looks like an officially imposed "big issue." Opening up his own show "Your World" to the campaign, Neil Cavuto sat back as O'Reilly sneered that while non-Christian Americans are "entitled to their opinion," it's "insulting to Christian America" for companies to say "Happy Holidays" and such instead of "Merry Christmas."

And if that wasn't enough, O'Reilly also attacked people who just might feel a tad uncomfortable at the "celebrate Christmas or else" campaign, saying, "they don't want any message of spirituality or Judeo-Christian tradition because that stands in the way of gay marriage, legalized drugs, euthanasia, all of the greatest hits on the secular progressive play card."

What's next? Perhaps the "Fox & Friends" anchors will crusade against credit counselors who caution against fiscally reckless Christmas shopping, accusing them of wanting to destroy the American economy. The possibilities are endless.

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