
Because One Pointless War Just Isn't Enough

It's no secret that the warmongers in the White House are itching to attack Iran before President Bush's term ends in January 2009. They've certainly tried hard enough to sell the American public on the necessity of bombing Tehran and taking out the Middle East's new Public Enemy #1, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He's building nukes! He's in bed with Al Qaeda! He was part of the mob that took over the American Embassy back in 1979!

Fortunately, the public ain't buying this time. We already got lied into supporting one war by this crowd, and we're not inclined to believe them again.

But that doesn't mean they're not trying.

Newsweek is reporting that Vice President Darth Cheney tried to manufacture an excuse to attack Iran:
A few months before he quit, according to two knowledgeable sources, [David] Wurmser [Cheney's Middle East adviser] told a small group of people that Cheney had been mulling the idea of pushing for limited Israeli missile strikes against the Iranian nuclear site at Natanz - and perhaps other sites - in order to provoke Tehran into lashing out. The Iranian reaction would then give Washington a pretext to launch strikes against military and nuclear targets in Iran.
This is truly scary. Cheney is already salivating over the prospect of using tactical nuclear weapons in Iran, a move which is quite simply madness. Has the Bush Administration really become so power-mad that they would really nuke a country which has not attacked us and is not developing nuclear weapons (according to the UN nuclear watchdog group that was enimently correct in saying the same thing about Iraq)?

I have the sinking feeling that they really are that nuts.

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