
Just Plain Ghoulish

It is no secret that Rudy Giuliani has based his presidential campaign solely on the fact that he was Mayor of New York on September 11, 2001. He's not even bothering to mention anything else, and the fear-and-loathing rhetoric of his speeches gives even Karl Rove's wettest dreams a run for their money. He stops just short of saying, "Vote for me, or Osama bin Laden will come to your house, kill your kids and shave your cats." He's pretty shameless, and his wholesale expropriation of the terrorist attacks as his personal property is, to say the least, unseemly.

But this one is just plain ghoulish.

Abraham Sofaer, a Giuliani supporter in Palo Alto, California, is hosting a fundraising party for the campaign tomorrow night in his house. No problem there. The kicker is that he wants his attendees to each chip in nine dollars and eleven cents for the campaign.

That's right: "$9.11 for Rudy."

Even by this campaign's standards, that's pretty darn awful. And it's telling that while the Giuliani campaign has made the occasional clucking noise of disapproval, they're notably silent on whether they're going to accept the money.

Then again, what do you expect from a guy who dumped his second wife via press conference?

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