
Recycling at the White House

Who knew President Bush's speechwriters were members of the Writers Guild of America? They're all walking the picket lines with their fellow scribes - that must be why the White House is in reruns, recycling the very same rhetoric that scared us into invading Iraq. Only this time, the target is Iran.

During his great Middle East Tour of 2008, Bush has visited country after country to drum up support for attacking Iran. Frankly, even Bubble Boy must know this is a lost cause, as the Arab people think he's crusading pond scum. In fact, his only fans in the region are the oil sheiks who happily buy another gold-plated toilet whenever the price of crude noses still higher in response to Bush making threatening noises.

But noises he does make, and he's using the same lines as he did five years ago:
Iran is today the world's leading state sponsor of terror. It sends hundreds of millions of dollars to extremists around the world - while its own people face repression and economic hardship at home. It undermines Lebanese hopes for peace by arming and aiding the terrorist group Hezbollah. It subverts the hopes for peace in other parts of the region by funding terrorist groups like Hamas and the Palestine Islamic Jihad. It sends arms to the Taliban in Afghanistan and Shia militants in Iraq. It seeks to intimidate its neighbors with ballistic missiles and bellicose rhetoric. And finally, it defies the United Nations and destabilizes the region by refusing to be open and transparent about its nuclear programs and ambitions. Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere. So the United States is strengthening our longstanding security commitments with our friends in the Gulf - and rallying friends around the world to confront this danger before it is too late.
Sound familiar? It should; it's the same accusations Bush threw at Iraq prior to his unprovoked attack. All you have to do is change one letter and it fits perfectly.

Will Congress and the American people be scared into yet another pointless war? It remains to be seen whether the Democrats have the stones to stand up to Bush.

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