

If there's one country in the world that knows how to handle terrorism, and handle it smartly (for the most part, anyway), it's Israel. For its entire 60-year existence, the country has been under attack by those who want to destroy it utterly. Not change it into what they want, destroy it.

Every time Israel's sons and daughters are killed on a bus, in a school, in a restaurant, the world sits silently.

And every time Israel strikes back, the world rushes to condemn.

Our TV screens are filled with images of grieving Palestinians every time Israel retaliates for a rocket attack or bombing. But how often do we see scenes like this in our living rooms?

Yes, those are crowds of Palestinians actually cheering yesterday's attack on a yeshiva (a Jewish religious school) in Jerusalem. Eight people were killed.

Two of them were just fifteen years old.

And these ghouls celebrate the slaughter. Children sing and clap happily. Candies are handed out. What kind of society so twists the minds of its young people to the point where they rejoice in the killing of fellow human beings, let alone those barely older than themselves?

Contrary to Palestinian propaganda, the vast majority of Israelis want peace with their neighbors, and they want it desperately. But how can a negotiated peace be possible when your neighbors mark the occasion of your son's brutal murder by throwing a block party?

It's enough to make one despair.

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