
Waving the White Flag, Again

President Bush's approval ratings are in the toilet, and his response to some extremely rare Congressional backbone on his secret-spying program is to throw a series of carefully scripted temper tantrums. The Republican Party and political pressure groups unveil TV ads basically accusing House Democrats of wishing everyone dead. The American public is unconvinced and roundly says no to indiscriminate snooping, urging Congress to stand firm in the cause of freedom and the Fourth Amendment.
Meanwhile, Congressional Democrats propose extending the Protect America Act while a permanent bill is worked out, but the GOP says no to any extension, apparently preferring to keep the public in mortal peril (at least, according to their hyperbolic rhetoric) rather than negotiate.

So what is Congress preparing to do? Surrender, of course. Yes, the Washington Post is today reporting that House and Senate Democrats are working on a supposed "compromise" that would give the president everything he's been so hysterically demanding.

Unrestricted power to spy on anyone? Sure.

A toothless FISA court with no real oversight authority? No problem.

Immunity for telecom companies who helped the White House break the law? You got it.

So what is this compromise? Well, it would give Congress the opportunity to vote on two bills, one legalizing the spying and the other letting AT&T etc. off the hook.

That's it. That's the entire compromise.

Part of me can't believe that Congress is once again willing to knuckle under to Mr. 19%, that these gutless cowards are actually caving in to the GOP's fear-and-terror tactics. Then the other part reminds the first part that unconditional surrender is what Congressional Democrats seem to be doing best nowadays.

Contact your Senators and Representative and tell them to hold the line on spying. No more.

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