
Lowering the Bar

If you watched President Bush's press conference last week - or if, like me, you can't stand the prospect of seeing all that smirking, giggling verbal flatulence and read the transcript instead - you may have noticed a very significant change in the official line on Iran.

It used to be that attacking Iran is essential because they're working on building nuclear weapons. But that excuse fell apart because the United Nations weapons inspectors - you know, the guys who were 100% correct on Iraq not having banned weapons but who were shoved aside so Bush et al could get their longed-for revenge on Saddam - all insist that Iran is not actually building a bomb. Now the rhetoric has changed: attacking Iran is essential because they know how to build nuclear weapons.

Heck, that's no secret. Anyone with Internet access and two minutes to run a Google search can find instructions on how to build one of the damn things. So since the knowledge of how to build a nuke is so readily available, does that mean Bush reserves the right to attack anyone at all?

This is a frightening ratcheting up of the official war line. Who cares whether Iran is actually building a bomb? Merely knowing how to build one is enough for this crowd.

Two failed wars aren't enough for this bunch. Do we really need a third?

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