
So Much for the Whole "9/11" Excuse

Remember back when the White House got caught secretly spying on our phone calls, E-mail messages, and so on? The number one excuse given by President Bush and his fellow fear-mongerers was that it was all because of 9/11, that we should get used to Uncle Sam watching everything we do rather than risk another attack. It was a blatant appeal to our fears, but it made a perverse sort of sense.

Well, guess what? Along with everything else from this Administration, that was a crock too.

The Daily Kos website is reporting that in February 2001, the White House started recruiting American telecommunication companies to facilitate government eavesdropping without all those pesky judicial warrants.

In case your math is a bit rusty, that was a full seven months prior to the 9/11 attacks. So Bush et al came to power and immediately started in on a massively illegal domestic spying program.

Out of the various companies pressed to cooperate, Qwest was the only one to refuse, and it seems just a tad suspicious that shortly thereafter, the company was abruptly denied government contracts and its CEO investigated for insider trading.

Will Congress look into this latest outrage? Hold their feet to the fire!

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