
Suffer the Little Children

We all know that the American right wing makes a big deal out of publicly claiming to be pro-family and pro-child while privately doing everything they can to screw America's not-wealthy families to the wall. The hypocrisy is expected if not exactly welcome. But even I thought they wouldn't stoop to going after sick kids.

Boy, was I wrong.

Two weeks ago, Graeme Frost, a twelve-year-old boy from Baltimore, gave the Democratic response to President Bush's weekly radio address, asking Bush to sign the bill expanding SCHIP health insurance to include more children who need it. As we all know by now, Bush vetoed the bill, claiming it would deprive the insurance industry - currently in desperate straits and forced to sell blood to pay its bills (that's a joke, by the way) - of profitable customers.

Graeme happens to know something about SCHIP. Three years ago, he and his sister were badly injured in a car crash and left comatose. Both children have brain injuries and need special care, especially the daughter. Their parents don't have thousands of dollars a year to buy health insurance, and even if they did, no company would cover them due to the kids' "pre-existing conditions." It's only SCHIP that allows them to get the health care they need.

For the crime of speaking out, of opposing Maximum Leader Bush and his plans to turn America into an "ownership society" where you're SOL if you don't have the scratch, Graeme and his family have been targeted by the right wing.

An anonymous post on the hard-right Free Republic bulletin board accused the Frost family of being pretty well-off and not needing the SCHIP insurance. They go to a private school which costs $40,000 a year for the two of them! They own their own home! Others in the right-wing media landscape, from Rush Limbaugh to Michelle Malkin and everyone in between, picked up on the theme and attacked Graeme and his family for being fake poor people. The right-wing blogs are full of vitriol, hatred and even death threats. The family also has to deal with various wingnuts harassing them at their home and place of business.

Of course, all these shrieking nutjobs don't bother to mention a few salient facts:
  • Graeme is able to attend the school only because he gets a full scholarship
  • Graeme's severely disabled sister can go to the same school only because Maryland is required by state law to pay for her education
  • The family was able to buy the house for $55,000 in 1991 only because it was in a rough neighborhood
But that doesn't matter to these people. Like the sheep-like citizens of Oceania in 1984, they have been given a target. Who cares if the facts aren't with them? The Hate is on!

The whole thing makes me want to throw up. How can anyone attack children, let alone sick children? Is there really no depth to which they won't sink? These are truly loathsome people.

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