
Starve! And God Loves You

John Hagee's views can be politely described as out of the mainstream. He has less-than-charitable feelings towards anyone who isn't white, male and Protestant, but his ravings haven't garnered one-tenth as much media attention as those of Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's former pastor.

Well, we now have another chance for the media to redeem itself. Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks unearthed a clip of Hagee in full frothing-at-the-mouth mode:

Starve? People who can't find work should starve? Somehow, I can't reconcile that with the notion that religion is all about love and compassion. Hagee's version of Christianity seems to be awfully angry about everything all the time.

Maybe it's just me, but if Wright had his own nationally-broadcast TV show in which he tells people who can't find work to starve, and if the congregation follows that up with applause, the media would be screaming about it for weeks on end. But since Hagee is (a) white and (b) supporting a Republican, he's allowed to get away with it.

That's wrong, to say the least. Since Fox News et al have made it very clear that anything Wright says is fair game with which to attack Obama, anything Hagee says should be fair game as well.

Will the media finally take it seriously?

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