
McCain's Medical Records

It sure looks like there's something in John McCain's medical records that he doesn't want people to see. After months of refusing to make them public, he will finally do so, except the circumstances do not exactly inspire confidence:
  1. He will release them only to a select, handpicked group of reporters.
  2. He is doing so tomorrow morning, on the Friday before a three-day weekend.
  3. The invited reporters will be allowed to take notes but no photocopying will be allowed, nor will copies be distributed.
He released 1500 pages of medical and psychiatric records back in 1999 during his first presidential run, so what's different now? Does it have anything to do with his 2000 surgery to remove a malignant melanoma tumor? It is, after all, not unreasonable to expect the president to be healthy.

Will the media do their job tomorrow and adequately report on this event? Or will they allow the Straight Talk Express to run them over?

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