
Oh Lordy, Here We Go Again

Remember the whole string of Bill and Hillary Clinton "scandals" back in the 1990s that were all wrapped in the single name "Whitewater?" During eight turbulent years it careened from one alleged horrible offense to another, until it all melded together in the public imagination. I think everyone eventually decided that Bill was guilty of diddling Monica Lewinsky with one hand while firing the White House travel office staffers and fondling Kathleen Willey with the other. Meanwhile, Hillary killed Vince Foster and had sex with his corpse, then both Clintons molested Chelsea with cigars while secretly hiding then un-hiding Rose Law Firm papers in the White House.

Or something like that.

In any event, the Moonie-owned Washington Times still thinks there's gold in them thar hills, for they ran a big splashy "exclusive" on yesterday's front page. The article loudly trumpets the discovery of "once-secret memos" which supposedly prove that Hillary Clinton lied during the original Whitewater investigation an eon or two ago.

According to the paper, the memos - actually prosecutor's notes from more than a decade ago - suggest that Clinton lied under oath when she claimed that she never "earned a penny" in her legal work at the Rose Law Firm. (Of course, the article never says how much money the prosecutors thought she did earn, hinting that whatever it was, it wasn't much.)

Gripping stuff, I know.

Seriously, does anyone outside the hardcore GOP Clinton-haters even care about Whitewater anymore? In fifteen solid years of rumormongering and insinuation, wingnuts galore have claimed to have the Holy Grail of proof that Hillary is a corrupt adulterous lesbian murderer - and each time, that elusive goal has vanished into the mists.

But why is this supposed damning evidence being leaked now? Could it be that Hillary is doing such a good job of cozying up to the GOP that she could conceivably siphon off some votes from McCain in the fall election? And if that is indeed the case, perhaps the story is designed to remind Republican voters why she is so evil to begin with. Or perhaps it's yet another in a very long line of supposed silver bullets intended to knock Hillary out of the running once and for all.

It'll be interesting to see what Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, et al do with this one.

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