
Don't Blame Me, I Just Work Here

With the American economy straining under the impacts of falling home prices, rising foreclosures, increasing job losses and skyrocketing energy prices, President Bush took to the airwaves yesterday morning to reassure the nation that he is on the job and that he does have a plan to fix everything.

Namely, to say that it's all Congress' fault.

Yes, he put the blame for our dud economy not on the brokers who sold mortgages to people they knew couldn't afford them, nor on the speculators who drove home prices ever higher. He did not mention the corporate executives who kept all the profits for themselves and then started firing workers once things went sour, nor did he mention the oil companies who rake in obscene profits while gorging themselves on tax subsidies. He did not mention his evisceration of the financial regulation systems designed to prevent such problems from occurring in the first place. And he certainly didn't mention his blowing half a trillion dollars in Iraq, nor his gigantic tax cuts for the richest people in America.

Instead of facing his own responsibility for the mess, he blamed Congress for once again rejecting large-scale oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (a move which might affect oil and gas prices years down the road), insisting that nuclear energy actually be safe (what a concept), turning down his mortgage "reform" proposals which would bail out lenders while leaving families stranded, and a whole host of other sins.

It was vintage Bush. Nothing is ever his fault. In his own little world, he is always right and everyone who disagrees with him is always wrong. And if people get hurt in the crossfire - well, it's just too bad.

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