
Go Be Sick Somewhere Else

Even with all the politicization and advantage-taking of 9/11 that has taken place ever since the towers collapsed, you'd think that some things would be beyond the pale. Not according to Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Naturally) of California. On Tuesday, during a Congressional hearing on the health problems faced by rescue workers at the World Trade Center site, he put forth this nugget of wisdom:

"I have to ask, why damages from a fire that had no dirty bomb in it, it had no chemical munitions in it, it simply was an aircraft, residue of two aircraft, and residue from the materials used to build this building, why the firefighters who went there and everybody in the City of New York needs to come to the federal government for the dollars versus this being primarily a state consideration."

In other words, go be sick somewhere else.

Yes, all the firefighters, paramedics and others who rushed to the WTC can beg the state government in Albany for money to fix their health problems. Not my problem. The federal government's claim to 9/11 is limited to political bashing, raw exploitation and using it to launch unrelated wars. People who were actually hurt by the attacks are out of luck.

Issa was promptly hammered by both Democrats and Republicans for his callousness, and rightly so. But he has refused to apologize, instead issuing a rather limp statement claiming he "continues to support federal assistance for the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks."

Unless, of course, you're a rescue worker.


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