
Quality Control, Fox-Style

Mindful of ABC's disastrous debate two weeks ago, Fox & Friends on Sunday pitched the notion of a Clinton-Obama rematch in the style of the famous Lincoln-Douglas debates. Back in 1858, Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas held a series of seven debates in which they battled eloquently over the wrenching issue of slavery. And they did it without depending on Teleprompters, media handlers, pollsters or focus groups. An interesting suggestion, to be sure.

So what's the problem? Take a look at this clip.

That's obviously not Stephen Douglas, the white pro-slavery southern Democrat. No, that's Frederick Douglass, the abolitionist who was born a slave, escaped from his owner to freedom, and wrote a classic book about his experiences.

It appears that someone at Fox can't tell one Douglas(s) from another. Or maybe they just thought, "Douglass was black, Obama is black - what's the difference?"

Another banner moment for Fox News.

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