
Godwin's Law Strikes Again

Mike Godwin mused back in 1990 that "as a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one." This has come to be known as Godwin's Law, and is usually invoked whenever someone dredges up such a comparison for purely overheated rhetorical purposes.

Well, it's back - Ann Coulter, that shrieking blonde bomb-thrower, has done it again. Evidently, whenever she needs a little more money for bile injections, she says something guaranteed to cause a ruckus and get her on the boob tube. And so it is with her latest column, tastefully titled "Obama's Dime-Store Mein Kampf," in which she calls Barack Obama (or "B. Hussein Obama," as she calls him in an appeal to mindless prejudice) "a flabbergasting lunatic" and "stark bonkersville."

Was she looking in the mirror when she wrote this?

As it happens, she doesn't actually say much in this latest screed. It's really just a semi-psychotic stream-of-consciousness rant about how Obama is secretly an Angry Black Man who hates all white people, throwing in a wholly gratuitous Hitler reference for good measure. She is evidently mistaking real life for that classic Saturday Night Live sketch from 1976 in which Garrett Morris sings "I'm gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whities I see."

Morris was making a joke. Coulter is serious - or at least as serious as such a transparently publicity-hungry cartoon character can possibly be.

It's something of a blessing that more and more newspapers have caught on to her self-aggrandizing antics and have dropped her column. She did, however, get her obligatory Fox News appearance out of it, calling Obama "an absolute racialist."

Oliver Wendell Holmes, who sat on the Supreme Court in the early 20th century, memorably said that "if there is any principle of the Constitution that more imperatively calls for attachment than any other it is the principle of free thought - not free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought that we hate." Meaning that Coulter is free to spew her bile wherever and whenever she pleases.

Of course, that also means the rest of us are equally free to point out that she's a hateful, bigoted loon.

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